
FDA Class 1 recall of over 2 million breathing devices driving demand for ISO 18562医疗器械测试




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曼彻斯特生命科学的首席科学家, 尼克·莫理 has over 15 years of pharmaceutical laboratory experience predominantly specializing in 可提取和可浸出.

Over 2 million breathing devices were subject to a class 1 recall 医疗设备s (MDR) after facing several observations from the US FDA. 此次召回涉及各种类型的机械呼吸机, 包括双水平气道压力(BiPAP)和, 持续气道正压通气.



In response to the FDA-483 report delivered to the plants head of quality in November 2021, 公司已经实施了一系列的纠正措施. These actions include the establishment of an internal team of subject matter experts (SMEs) within Respironics, 重点关注FDA对生物相容性的关注, 清洁和消毒, 和毒理学. The company will also be adding personnel to assess risk and implement changes to ensure compliance with FDA regulations.


ISO 18562测试的重要性

这一召回进一步突出了适当的重要性 ISO 18562医疗器械测试 & 生物相容性 新的和现有的监管文件的信息. ISO 18562 is a standard focused on the 生物相容性 evaluation of breathing 气体 pathways in healthcare applications. 与呼吸机等医疗设备相关, 麻醉工作站, 呼吸回路. It helps to ensure that any materials used in the breathing 气体 or 气体 pathway do not pose a risk to human safety due to compounds that inevitably migrate from materials such as plastics and rubbers.



在美国.S.在美国,FDA负责监管医疗器械. The 510(k) Premarket Notification program is the most common type of 医疗设备 premarket review conducted by the FDA. 除了关于设备描述的信息, 相同的设备, 软件, 以及性能测试, the 510(k) submission must include data on the 生物相容性 of any materials that come into direct or indirect contact with the patient.



不幸的是, many regulatory submissions lack adequate 生物相容性 information, which can result in additional information requests and slow down the review process. 尽量减少延误,优化上市时间, completing the necessary testing and exposure assessments in advance is crucial.

The ISO 18562 standard for 生物相容性 evaluation of breathing 气体 pathways in healthcare applications was published in 2017 and serves as the reference for testing the 生物相容性 of breathing components by addressing three key associated hazards. 颗粒物排放(PM2).5 & PM10), volatile organic compounds in a 气体 stream (VOC) and leachables in condensate.



im体育APP has a long history of expertise in testing breathing 气体 pathways against the ISO 18562 standard, boasting a global network of laboratories and established test methods.

ISO 18562 has four main components which are supported by im体育APP Materials 技术:

  • ISO 18562-1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process
  • ISO 18562-2:颗粒物质排放试验
  • ISO 18562-3:挥发性有机化合物排放试验
  • ISO 18564 -4:冷凝水中浸出物的测试

Additional toxicological assessments and interrelated ISO10993 testing services are also available.

拥有超过二十年的材料分析专业知识 可提取和可浸出, im体育APP曼彻斯特 offers a wide selection of analytical and sample preparation tools to its customers. 多年来, the company has conducted numerous tests on various products and materials, providing trace analytical identification and quantification services to its clients.

If you have further questions about ISO 18562医疗器械测试 or would like to discuss potential requirements with a technical expert at im体育APP, 请联系 im体育APP曼彻斯特.

找到相关的 资源


观看我们的ISO 18562网络研讨会

观看我们的网络研讨会 有关ISO 18562测试的深入概述, focusing on the bio-compatibility evaluation of breathing 气体 pathway devices. 尼克·莫理 delves into the analytical methodologies essential for supporting this evaluation as per ISO 18562.

不遵守规定可能导致代价高昂的召回, 对患者的潜在危害, 以及对公司声誉和收入的损害. The webinar addresses these concerns by detailing the testing procedures mandated by ISO 18562 and highlighting real-world examples where inadequate testing led to significant repercussions.


可推断出的 & 可滤取的研究

im体育APP has one of the largest and most experienced 可提取和可浸出 (E&L)世界上的实践.

以监管专业知识为后盾, 丰富的经验, 以及一个庞大的可提取数据库, 我们的综合E&L solutions ensure the safety of materials used across the healthcare sector.

我们为制药im体育平台app下载提供量身定制的研究, 生物, 医疗设备, 风险降低, 组合产品等, 符合监管预期.



作为生命科学的首席科学家 曼彻斯特, 尼克·莫理 has over 15 years of pharmaceutical laboratory experience predominantly specializing in 可提取和可浸出.

作为生命科学im体育平台app下载值得信赖的权威, Nick为客户提供设计研究方面的技术指导, 作者白皮书, presents at conferences and collaborates with external scientific organisations to keep up to date with the latest trends.

Nick is passionate about helping our clients deliver innovative products that enable patients to live healthier and more comfortable lives.





im体育APP's 可提取和可浸出 studies offer tailored solutions that ensure patient safety and compliance with industry standards.



作为全面的测试合作伙伴, you’ll enjoy the benefit of a single supplier source for all of your testing needs, from mechanical testing and environmental simulation to EMC and wireless device testing.



im体育APP’s pharmaceutical laboratories provide specialist 药物测试 services, 包括化学, 物理, 微生物, 以及对大量产品的稳定性测试, 从原材料到成品.

IS0 18562-2

ISO 18562测试:生物相容性分析

im体育APP provides ISO 18562 生物相容性 analysis for respiratory and ventilation devices to support global device approval.

USP 665检验

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