im体育APP’s capabilities can accommodate HIRF测试 levels required by commercial, 军事, 以及飞机制造商的标准. 有专家积极参与RTCA特别委员会135, 以及SAE AE4 HIRF/EUROCAE WG-14联合工作组, we are committed to staying on the leading edge of the industry and helping you understand the technical requirements.



HIRF测试 replicates the pulse modulations and energy levels that high-power RADARs generate to ensure that aircraft equipment is sufficiently hardened to withstand them.




We can perform HIRF测试 at test levels that fully meet and exceed the following HIRF test standards:

  • FAA HIRF规则和AC 20-158. 所有 CW, SW和脉冲测试水平,适用于所有环境
  • RTCA / - 160 d / E / F / G. 所有 CW, SW和脉冲测试水平,适用于所有类别,包括Cat. L
  • 波音d6 - 16050 - 4 / -5/-6. 所有 连续波,西南波和脉冲测试水平
  • 空客ABD0100.1.2、E/F/G. 所有 连续波,西南波和脉冲测试水平
  • mil - std - 464 a / C. 所有 连续波,西南波和脉冲测试水平
  • ADS-37A-PRF,表1,A部分 & B. 所有 连续波,短波,调幅,调频和脉冲测试水平
  • Def-Stan 59-41 & 59 - 411 DRS02.B. 所有空、海、陆连续波、西南波、调幅和脉冲电平




Our HIRF facilities include a suite of specialist antennas to allow HIRF测试 to be performed in the conventional line-of-sight direct illumination method as well as the more innovative 混响 (also known as Reverb) method. 

The reverberation chambers use a reflective paddle to ‘stir’ the RF to ensure that there are no nulls and that the field strength remains uniform throughout the chamber. The paddle can rotate either continuously (stirred) or in a stepped fashion (tuned), 速度或粗度可以调整,以满足您的要求.

我们提供两种模式调优测试, 以及慢循环和高循环设备的模式搅拌测试, 允许我们测试长停留时间和短停留时间


直接照明vs. 混响:测试HIRF水平

There are two main methods for testing HIRF levels: 直接照明 and 混响. 两者都有各自的好处.



Generally considered to be the conventional method of testing against HIRF regulation, direct illumination testing allows us to focus in on specific areas of a component, 以及快速评估小型被测设备(EUT). This testing employs high gain antennae and pulsed amplifiers to produce fields up to 3000 V/m and pulse widths up to 40 µs, typically in accordance with but not limited to the requirements of RTCA做- 160G Category G Table 20-3;


V / M (PM)

400 - 700 mhz


700 - 1000兆赫


1 - 2 GHz


2 - 4 GHz


4 - 6 GHz


6 - 8 GHz


8 - 12兆赫


12 - 18 GHz



因为这种方法更依赖于集中的射频能量, failure threshold levels are easier to determine compared to reverberation testing. An additional benefit of using the 直接照明 method instead of 混响 is that the support equipment needed for test samples is typically not as well protected as the Equipment Under Test. 直接照明, the inadvertent illumination of this equipment can be reduced because the antenna used has a focused beamwidth.



While direct illumination is helpful for smaller EUTs and products with high-risk components, reverberation testing is a quicker method for larger equipment that would require multiple antenna positions. In addition to illuminating the entire EUT at once and providing an actual "worst-case scenario", reverberation testing can achieve extremely high field strengths beyond the capability of direct illumination.


如果您的客户没有指定首选项, 我们可以为您的产品的最佳路线提供宝贵的建议. 然而, 无论你选择直接照明还是混响, some of the most common causes of HIRF test failure can be easily avoided by considering a few key points early in the design stage, 如:

  • Ensuring enclosure effectiveness is of sufficient magnitude to reduce incoming RF to a level that sensitive components can withstand.
  • Making sure cables and connectors are well screened and filtered, with 360-degree termination
  • 尽量减少和避免插槽(通风口等).)如果可能的话
  • 避免导电回路




Our chambers have intrinsic properties of isotropy and homogeneity that provide several unique features for testing:

  • 随机极化.e. 所有波之间的相位是随机的.
  • 空间均匀,i.e. 室内的能量密度处处都是均匀的.
  • 各向同性,我.e. 所有方向的能量流动都是一样的.
  • Field measurement results will be the same regardless of where in the room they are taken.
  • Spatial reconfiguration of the EUT will have minimal effect on those measurements.
  • A reverberation chamber simulates all wave polarizations and incidence angles during a full test.




随着复合材料在飞机机身上的使用越来越多, sensitive electronic equipment is provided less RF shielding from high field strengths in the EM environment. This can result in unexpected exposure to several thousand volts per meter of RF energy which has the potential to cause equipment failure. 


RTCA-DO-160 (G) states that all six faces of a system must be subjected to radiated susceptibility testing. 由于在混响室中产生的场的均匀性, 这可以通过一次测试运行来实现, 而使用传统的半消声室方法则需要6个, 从而节省大量的时间和成本. 


所有HIRF测试均在完全计算机控制下进行 直接照明和混响替代方法. There is also additional flexibility to provide virtually any frequency step size, 脉冲占空比, 或者调制类型. 




im体育APP在确保我们的 EMC和EMI testing capabilities match the increasingly demanding levels for HIRF测试. 我们与R的产品制造商合作&D innovation to marketplace reality to ensure your products get to market on time, every time. im体育APP的专家团队 了解更多信息.

The importance of Risk assessments - ensuring products are safe and fit for market.


im体育APP delivers an extensive range of testing and validation services required by defense manufacturers during qualification to help meet the rigorous demands of 军事 standards. 这些包括 Def标准59-411和Mil标准461,以及更具体的航空航天标准,如 RTCA做- 160 用于间接和直接雷击试验. im体育官方app下载


With qualification performance now being considered earlier in the CADMID cycle, products tested in the design and prototyping stage are reaping significant benefits through reduced risk, 节省成本和更快的审批时间, 允许提前交付给国防部. im体育官方app下载

请求报价 我们的团队超过9人,000名专家在北美各地工作, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备支持你们.
